Official Kansas No Brand Shirt
I addressed this issue in part in my response to the Kansas No Brand Shirt in addition I really love this question “What was your journey into becoming a management consultant?” I selected consulting because it: (1) supported many of my strengths and interests, including analysis, writing, organization, presentation, and business; (2) involved helping organizations and people; (3) was flexible to support working for various size firms; and (4) was reasonably prestigious and offered a good income. Over my career there were some challenges to my continuing as a consultant. I remained as a consultant for so many years because: (1) the extensive travel in the first 2-3 years did not continue once I accepted a position where my consulting practice focused on the U.S. Federal Government; (2) I was successful, especially in two key areas- managing consulting projects and people and selling business, often through the writing and winning of competitive proposals; (3) I enjoyed the work and had what amounted to a passion for the field; and (4) the exit options outside of consulting were not that attractive.
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