Official Texas Tech Mahomes Fear The Reaper Ring Of Honor Shirt
In my opinion yes we should because it instills a touch of discipline and in the Texas Tech Mahomes Fear The Reaper Ring Of Honor Shirt Also,I will get this changing zeitgeist we are in need of discipline. A dress code is not a punishment but a way of containing order in an establishment like a school. Schools are one great microcosm of the greater society and instill a measure of behaviour that is a marker for the individual in the future. There is no problem with a dress code as it’s a way to identify the establishment. All areas of life have a dress code like sporting establishments and political arenas too. If your local MP was to turn up for work in shorts and t-shirt would they be taken seriously. The same applies to arenas like a school. There should absolutely be a dress code. The fact is that a school is a workplace where students must go to get and education and teachers go to work. Both students and teachers are entitled to a workplace free from symbolism or exhibitionism that makes them uncomfortable.